Judge orders feds to resume oil leasing in North Dakota as state lawsuit over canceled sales plays out
A judge has ordered the U.S. government to allow oil and gas lease sales to resume on federal lands in North Dakota amid a legal battle over the Biden administration’s halting of the practice two years ago.

Legislature Okays New EOR Well Status
The North Dakota Senate gave its unanimous approval this week to a bill that creates a new category of non-producing oil well that gives industry producers time to develop technology to produce more oil from the well.

North Dakota lawmakers vote to end tax triggered by high oil prices
Oil companies fetching high prices for their product will likely see a reduced tax rate in North Dakota after lawmakers gave a green light to legislation backed by the powerful petroleum industry.

40 MPH Rule Removed
Effective immediately the 40 MPH rule will no longer be a requirement on North Dakota Highway Patrol overweight permits.

Studies underscore oil and gas industry’s significant impact on North Dakota’s economy, communities
The oil and gas industry in North Dakota remains a powerhouse for the state’s economy, accounting for more than $42.6 billion in gross business volume, nearly 50,000 jobs and $3.8 billion in state and local tax revenues in 2021, according to two studies highlighted today by Gov. Doug Burgum, researchers from North Dakota State University and industry officials.

BSC to Offer Free Oilfield Training
With funding from a federal grant, Bismarck State College plans to offer a free two-week training session later this month that would provide students a foundation to start a career in the oil and gas industry.

Legislation Expands NDIC Jurisdiction
The ND House gave final approval to a bill today that expands the authority of the North Dakota Industrial Commission and the Department of Mineral Resources over various wellhead equipment located on oil and gas well sites.

Grads of new API job-readiness program eager to join energy sector
Future energy professionals gained skills for success through San Jacinto College and American Petroleum Institute's (API) SkillsReady by API job readiness program.